Moorcroft – Not Debt Collectors

If we look MOORCROFT DEBT RECOVERY LIMITED up on Companies House and check their SIC Code we will discover that they are not registered as Debt Collectors.

MOORCROFT DEBT RECOVERY LIMITED is registered under the SIC Code 64999, which is defined as ‘Financial intermediation not elsewhere classified’.

This code does not define the company as being an official debt collector.

This is Companies House fraud and they should be exposed.

Such companies often use the SIC Code 82911 – ‘Activities of collection agencies’.

Additionally, it appears to have been a leasing company.

You might want to challenge Andrew James MCROBERTS, Director, MOORCROFT DEBT RECOVERY LIMITED on this and find out what he has to say as the letters sent by his company appear to be void anyway since there is no genuine signature, which matches the name printed underneath, rendering the documents as being unfounded and without any lawful or legal standing, pursuant to the Companies Act 2006, Section 44.

Furthermore, their headed paper claims that the company is ‘authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority’ but your reference number is not provided.


This post has established that they are not genuine debt collectors, and this has been backed up by insiders who tell me that it is a scam call centre with no agents who buy old debts for peanuts and hope those with no sense will pay them.

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